====== Topical Index of Select Resources ====== ---- ===== Confessions of Faith/Catechisms ===== [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/book/134|The Philidelphia Confession of Faith]] Very similar to the 1689 London Baptist confession. A decent representation of the beliefs of the web admins. [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/book/1056|Keach's Catechism]] This is usually the one packaged with the 1689, and sometimes called "The Baptist Catechism." ===== Encouragement/Christian Life ===== [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=Smooth+Stones+Taken+from+Ancient+Brooks|Smooth Stones Taken from Ancient Brooks]] [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=Morning+and+Evening:+Daily+Readings|Spurgeon's Morning and Evening]] [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=God+Acknowledged|God Acknowledged by Keach]] ===== Church Organization, Member Duties, etc. ===== [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=The+Glory+of+a+True+Church|The Glory of a True Church by Benjamin Keach]]. Discusses church politic, duties of members, church discipline. [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=A+Declaration+of+the+Faith+and+Practice|A Declaration of the Faith and Practice of the Church of Christ in Carter Lane, Southwark]] A covenant and confession used by John Gill's church. [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/book/633|A Complete Body of Practical Divinity]] See Book 2, Chapter 1 (page 615 in the EPUB file) for the section, "Of the Nature of a Gospel Church..." and Book 2, Chapter 2 (page 642 in the EPUB version) for the section titled, "Of the Duties of the Member of a Church to Each Other." Or, check out this PDF: {{ :wiki:resources:on_external_worship_as_public.pdf |External Worship, as Public by John Gill}} [[https://www.monergism.com/duties-christian-fellowship-ebook | Duties of Christian Fellowship by John Owen]] An excellent study guide for church members. Contains full-text scripture references and discussion questions. ===== Baptism ===== [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=Gospel+Baptism | Gospel Baptism by John Gill]] A notable book on the subject. [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/book/151 | A Treatise Concerning The Lawfull Subject of Baptism by John Spilsbery]] ===== The Covenants ===== [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=Everlasting+Covenant | The Everlasting Covenant by Benjamin Keach]] A sermon on the covenant of Grace. [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/book/29 | A Discourse on the Covenants by Nehemiah Coxe]] Discusses the Noahic Covenant, the Covenant of Circumcision, the Ademic Covenant, and the Covenant of Grace, and other topics. [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=The+Display+of+Glorious+Grace | The Display of Glorious Grace by Benjamin Keach]] "The Covenant of Peace, opened in fourteen sermons...in which the Errors of the present Day, about Reconciliation and Justification, are Detected." [[https://baptistlibrary.net/calibre/search/stored/?query=Divine+Covenants | The Divine Covenants by A. W. Pink]] Discusses the Everlasting, Adamic, Noahic, Abramhamic, Sinaitic, Davidic, and Messianic, covenants; part eight concerns the Covenant Allegory, wherein Galatians chapter 4 is discussed.